Submission Mode

Manuscript materials should be submitted to the journal only in the following manner. Alternatives cannot be routinely accommodated. At least a cover-letter file must be uploaded; no more than one manuscript or article-text file should be uploaded. Via Peer X-Press, upload separate, individual files for the cover letter, article text (including title, byline, abstract, main text, appendices, references, tables, and list of figure captions), and each figure.

cover letter should specify authors, title, Journal, the corresponding author's e-mail address, and any special requests. Unless otherwise stated, submission of a manuscript will be understood to mean that the paper has been neither copyrighted, classified, published, nor is being considered for publication elsewhere.

A duly signed transfer of copyright agreement form is required for publication in this journal. No claim is made to original U.S. Government works. Upload a signed JLA Transfer of Copyright Agreement Form when submitting your original or revised manuscript to the journal's online submission site ( See: Editorial Office Contact Information

We welcome suggestions of possible reviewers. To help protect the reviewer's anonymity, we ask for at least four names, with full information on postal and e-mail addresses, telephone number, and fax number. The referee selected by the Editor may, of course, not necessarily be from the list.

The Editor strongly prefers to correspond directly with the author, rather than through the reports division or through executives of the author's laboratory. Manuscripts sent to authors for revision should be returned to the Editor within two months. A manuscript returned later than this will generally be regarded as newly submitted and will receive a new receipt date.

To support the cost of wide dissemination of research results through publication of journal pages and production of a database of articles, the author's institution is requested to pay a page charge and an article charge. For additional information, follow this link to Publication Charges.