• PICALO 2008 Paper #M403 (Nd:Yag Laser and Micropen Integrated Fabrication of Mim Thick Film Capacitors)

    Nd:Yag Laser and Micropen Integrated Fabrication of Mim Thick Film Capacitors
    Xiaoyan Zeng, Hust; Wuhan Peoples Republic of China
    Yu Cao, HUST; Wuhan Peoples Republic of China
    Xiangyou Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology ; Wuhan Peoples Republic of China
    Presented at PICALO 2008

    With rapid development of the electronic industry, how to respond the market requests quickly, shorten R&D prototyping fabrication period, and reduce the cost of the electronic devices have become a challenge work, which need flexible manufacturing methods. In this work, two direct-write processing methods, direct material deposition by micropen and Nd:YAG laser micro cla...


  • PICALO 2008 Paper #M404 (Experimental Micromachining Results using a Uv Laser with the Laser Microjet®)

    Experimental Micromachining Results using a Uv Laser with the Laser Microjet�
    Alexandre Pauchard, Synova Sa; Ecublens Switzerland
    Nandor Vago, Synova Sa; Ecublens Switzerland
    Nicolas Godde, Synova SA; Ecublens Switzerland
    Bernold Richerzhagen, Synova Sa; Ecublens Switzerland
    Presented at PICALO 2008

    UV wavelengths are interesting for photothermal cutting of materials that have a low absorption coefficient or are transparent at 1064 and 532 nm wavelengths, such as copper, sapphire or glass. The high photon energy of UV lasers plays also a significant role in photochemical machining of polymer materials such as polyimide. In addition to the absorp...


  • PICALO 2008 Paper #M502 (Microwelding Performance Comparison Between a Low Power (125W) Pulsed Nd:Yag Laser and a Low Power (200W) Single Mode Fiber Laser)

    Microwelding Performance Comparison Between a Low Power (125W) Pulsed Nd:Yag Laser and a Low Power (200W) Single Mode Fiber Laser
    Mohammed Naeem, GSI Group, Inc. - Laser Division; Rugby Great Britain
    Steffan Lewis, Gsi Group; Rugby Great Britain
    John Crinn, Gsi Group; Rugby Great Britain
    Presented at PICALO 2008

    The increasing complexity of microelectronics/ engineering devices and the requirement for higher yields and automated production systems place stringent demands on the assembly techniques and performance requirements of materials and joining techniques. This has led to increasing interest in the use of low power lasers for microwelding of small assem...


  • PICALO 2008 Paper #M503 (Development and Application of Miniaturized Scanners for Laser Beam Micro Welding)

    Development and Application of Miniaturized Scanners for Laser Beam Micro Welding
    Andrei Boglea, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology; Aachen Germany
    Felix Schmitt, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology; Aachen Germany
    Max Funck, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology; Aachen Germany
    Reinhart Poprawe, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology; Aachen Germany
    Presented at PICALO 2008

    Nowadays, flexible production systems for the laser joining of micro parts require a higher dynamic and precision, as well as a higher flexibility concerning the working space. The combination of miniaturized scanner-based laser joining systems and high-pe...


  • PICALO 2008 Paper #M504 (Parameter Studies of Fibre Laser Micro-Welding of Aisi 316L using Taguchi Method)

    Parameter Studies of Fibre Laser Micro-Welding of Aisi 316L using Taguchi Method
    Chan Chi Wai, AMT Research Center, Dept. of ISE, the HKPolyU; Hong Kong
    H.C. Man, AMT Research Center, Dept. of ISE, the HKPolyU; Hong Kong
    T.M. Yue, AMT Research Center, Dept. of ISE, the HKPolyU; Hong Kong
    Presented at PICALO 2008

    This paper discusses the application of the Taguchi experimental design approach in optimizing the key process parameters for micro-welding of thin AISI 316L foil using the 100W CW fibre laser. A L16 Taguchi experiment was conducted to systematically understand how the power, scanning velocity, focus position, gas flow rate and type of shielding ...


  • PICALO 2008 Paper #M505 (Micro Welding of Thin Foil with an Elliptical Beam of Direct Diode Lasers (Invited Paper))

    Micro Welding of Thin Foil with an Elliptical Beam of Direct Diode Lasers (Invited Paper)
    Nobuyuki Abe, Osaka University; Ibaraki, Osaka Japan
    Yoshinori Funada, Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa; Kanazawa Japan
    Presented at PICALO 2008

    Diode lasers have a great advantage on energy conversion efficiency compared with other conventional lasers. On the other hand, they have a shortcoming on beam quality, because high power direct diode lasers have an elliptical shape beam with low power density, which is thought to be appried only heat treatment or laser cradding. This report describes that this characteristic of an elliptical beam shape enables good welding feature f...


  • PICALO 2008 Paper #M602 (Picosecond Lasers in Industrial Micromachining Applications (Invited Paper))

    Picosecond Lasers in Industrial Micromachining Applications (Invited Paper)
    Rainer Kling, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.; Hannover Germany
    Tobias Eschenberg, Laser Zentrum Hannover E. V. ; Hannover Germany
    Frank Siegel, Laser Zentrum Hannover E. V. ; Hannover Germany
    Ulrich Klug, Laser Zentrum Hannover E. V. ; Hannover Germany
    Andreas Ostendorf, Laser Zentrum Hannover E. V. ; Hannover Germany
    Presented at PICALO 2008

    Picosecond lasers have the potential to combine the high process speed of nanosecond lasers with the excellent machining quality of femtosecond lasers. Recent enhancements of laser manufacturers address two major industrial...


  • PICALO 2008 Paper #M603 (Laser Direct-Write using Air-Drying Conductive Paste (Invited Paper))

    Laser Direct-Write using Air-Drying Conductive Paste (Invited Paper)
    Daniel Perkins, Texas Christian University; Ft. Worth TX USA
    David Willis, Southern Methodist University; Dallas TX USA
    Jason Stegall, Southern Methodist University; Dallas TX USA
    Presented at PICALO 2008

    Laser direct-write was performed using commercially available silver paste to deposit patterns in an additive manner. The paste was a 60 % colloidal paste of 0.4 1.0 micron silver particles in a binder that dries under ambient conditions. Transfer was performed using a focused laser spot size of 110 micron and a spacer was placed between the paste and acceptor substrates to prevent con...


  • PICALO 2008 Paper #M604 (Direct Fabrication of Micro Temperature Sensor Arrays by Laser Micro-Cladding Functional Materials on Ceramic Substrates)

    Direct Fabrication of Micro Temperature Sensor Arrays by Laser Micro-Cladding Functional Materials on Ceramic Substrates
    Cai Zhixiang, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics; Wuhan Peoples Republic of China
    Li Xiangyou, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Wuhan Peoples Republic of China
    Zeng Xiaoyan, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics; Wuhan Peoples Republic of China
    Hu Qianwu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology ; Wuhan Peoples Republic of China
    Presented at PICALO 2008

    In this report, laser micro-cladding technology has been used to fabricate the micro temperat...


  • PICALO 2008 Paper #M701 (Multiscale Modeling of Ultrafast Laser-Material Interactions (Invited Paper))

    Multiscale Modeling of Ultrafast Laser-Material Interactions (Invited Paper)
    Hai-Lung Tsai, University of Missouri-Rolla; Rolla MO USA
    Lan Jiang, Beijing Institute of Technology; Beijing Peoples Republic of China
    Presented at PICALO 2008

    This paper reports the overall picture of our ongoing efforts to establish the scientific understanding of ultrafast, non-equilibrium laser-material interactions from nanometer to milimeter and from femtosecond to microsecond through comprehensive, integrated multiscale physico-chemical modeling and experimental verification. Based on the time when collisions govern the evolution of the phenomena, modeling of ultrafast laser-material inter...


