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  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #501 (Parameter Tolerance Evaluation When Laser Cutting in Decommissioning Applications.)

    Parameter Tolerance Evaluation When Laser Cutting in Decommissioning Applications.
    Paul Hilton, TWI Ltd.; Great Abington, Cambridge Great Britain
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    In conventional laser cutting it is well known that in order to maintain high quality edges, low heat affected zones and high cutting speeds, high tolerances have to be maintained on many of the parameters used. In particular, nozzle stand-off distances have to be small and kept constant, if good cut quality is to be maintained in plate and tube cutting. Recently, a potential application of laser cutting has arisen in a sector where the resulting cut quality is not important; that of decommissioning. In nuclear enviro...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #409 (Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Beam Characteristics Onto The Process Dynamics During Laser Cutting)

    Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Beam Characteristics Onto The Process Dynamics During Laser Cutting
    Stefanie Kohl, Institute of Photonic Technologies, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Erlangen Germany
    Michael Schmidt, Institute of Photonic Technologies, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Erlangen Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    Laser cutting currently represents the most common laser-based process in production technology. With the ongoing development of remote laser cutting technologies, such as remote fusion cutting and remote ablation cutting, its field of application will widen even more.
    Exploring these processes, simulations offer major advantages compared t...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #408 (2D Modeling of Surface Tension Effect During Laser Metal Cutting)

    2D Modeling of Surface Tension Effect During Laser Metal Cutting
    El-Hachemi Amara, Centre for Development of Advanced Technologies; Algiers Algeria
    Karim Kheloufi, Centre for Development of Avanced Technologies; Algiers Algeria
    Toufik Tamsaout, Centre for Development of Advanced Technologies; Algiers Algeria
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    The physical mechanisms occurring during laser metal cutting are widely studied with the aim to optimize the cutting process by acting on the operating parameters, in order to remove or reduce cutting defects such as striations and dross.
    During cutting, the laser beam heats up and melts the workpiece, while an intense gas jet ...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #407 (A Finite Volume Alternate Direction Implicit Approach to Modelling Selective Laser Melting)

    A Finite Volume Alternate Direction Implicit Approach to Modelling Selective Laser Melting
    Sankhya Mohanty, Technical University of Denmark; Kongens Lyngby Denmark
    Jesper Hattel, Technical University of Denmark; Kongens Lyngby Denmark
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    Over the last decade, several studies have attempted to develop thermal models for analyzing the selective laser melting process with a vision to predict thermal stresses, microstructures and resulting mechanical properties of manufactured products. While a holistic model addressing all involved phenomena is yet to emerge, the existing partial models have already become computationally heavy. This is observed to go ha...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #406 (Simulation of Process Dynamics in Laser Beam Brazing)

    Simulation of Process Dynamics in Laser Beam Brazing
    Michael Dobler, Institute of Photonic Technologies and Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (Saot), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Erlangen Germany
    Karl-Heinz Leitz, Institute of Photonic Technologies and Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (Saot), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Erlangen Germany
    Andreas Otto, Institute for Production Engineering and Laser Technology, Vienna University of Technology; Vienna Austria
    Michael Schmidt, Institute of Photonic Technologies and Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (Saot), University of Erlangen-Nurember...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #405 (Complete Heat and Fluid Flow Modeling of Keyhole Formation and Collapse During Spot Laser Welding)

    Complete Heat and Fluid Flow Modeling of Keyhole Formation and Collapse During Spot Laser Welding
    Mickael Courtois, Limatb - Ea 4250; Lorient France
    Muriel Carin, Limatb - Ea 4250; Lorient France
    Philippe Le Masson, Limatb - Ea 4250; Lorient France
    Sadok Gaied, Arcelormittal; Montataire
    Mikhael Balabane, Institute Galilee Universite; Villentaneuse France
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    During laser welding of metals, an important issue is the understanding of phenomena responsible for defects in the solidified welded joint. With the increasing of computation capabilities, models developed in recent years become more physic and need less an...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #404 (Numerical Simulation of a Combined Welding-Brazing Process. Application to an Aluminum-Titanium Heterogeneous Assembly)

    Numerical Simulation of a Combined Welding-Brazing Process. Application to an Aluminum-Titanium Heterogeneous Assembly
    Morgan Dal, Pimm, Umr 8006 Cnrs - Arts Et Metiers Paristech; Paris France
    Patrice Peyre, PIMM Laboratory (CNRS), Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Arts et Metiers; Paris France
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    In this study, an heterogeneous Ti/Al assembly is proposed for the built of aircraft structures. This kind of structure combines advantages of both materials: the aluminum is light-weight and less expensive whereas the titanium offers superior mechanical properties. A welding/brazing assembly in overlap configuration is studied. The two materials are the aluminum...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #402 (Thermohydraulic Modeling of Pulsed Laser Welding)

    Thermohydraulic Modeling of Pulsed Laser Welding
    Vincent Bruyere , CEA; Is sur Tille France
    Charline Touvrey, Cea; Is Sur Tille France
    Patrick Namy, cea; Grenoble France
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    Nowadays, spot laser welding is a full fledged part of industrial manufacturing and is routinely used due to its advantage. It generates very located temperature gradients, and therefore, induces small distortions in the pieces.
    Nonetheless, many welding tests are often performed in order to choose operating parameters leading to a narrow heat affected zones and defect-free joins.
    This numerical study aims to increase our understanding of the link between operating p...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #401 (Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Melt Control Systems in High Power Laser Beam Welding)

    Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Melt Control Systems in High Power Laser Beam Welding
    Marcel Bachmann, Bam Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing; Berlin Germany
    Vjaceslav Avilov, Bam Federal Institue for Materials Research and Testing; Berlin Germany
    Andrey Gumenyuk, Bam Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing; Berlin Germany
    Michael Rethmeier, Bam Federal Institue for Materials Research and Testing; Berlin Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    The availability of laser sources with a powers of 20 kW upwards prepared the
    ground for laser beam welding of up to 20 mm thick metal parts. Challenges are
    the prevention o...


  • ICALEO 2013 Paper #304 (Bioactive Glass Coatings on Al2O3-Zro2 Composite Substrates by Laser Cladding for Orthopaedic Applications)

    Bioactive Glass Coatings on Al2O3-Zro2 Composite Substrates by Laser Cladding for Orthopaedic Applications
    M. Angeles Montealegre, Aimen- Technology Centre; PorriñO Spain
    Francesco Baino, Politecnico Di Torino; Torino Italy
    Jorge Luis Arias, Aimen- Technology Centre; PorriñO Spain
    Joaquim Minguella, FundacióNcim C/ Llorens I Artigas, 12; Barcelona Spain
    Chiara Vitale-Brovarone, Politecnico Di Torino, 24; Torino Italy
    Martyn Marshall, Glass Technology Services Ltd. 9 Churchill Way; Sheffield Great Britain
    Presented at ICALEO 2013

    Alumina-zirconia (Al2O3-ZrO2) composite is widely used as a ceramic material in implants f...



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