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  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1001 (Technology Development on Dual Beam Laser Lap Welding of Mg Casting Alloys for Automotive Applications)

    Technology Development on Dual Beam Laser Lap Welding of Mg Casting Alloys for Automotive Applications
    Feng Lu, Chrysler LLC; Auburn Hills MI USA
    Mariana Forrest, Chrysler LLC; Auburn Hills MI USA
    Steve Logan, Chrysler LLC; Auburn Hills MI USA
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Magnesium casting alloys are very appealing materials for automotive applications due to their excellent specific strength (weight reduction), sound damping capability, castability, electromagnetic interference shielding ability and etc. Laser welding is also the desired method of joining these materials, which provides high productivity and structural integrity. However, there is a major chall...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1002 (Nd:YAG Laser Welding of 5083 Aluminum Alloy using Filler Wire)

    Nd:YAG Laser Welding of 5083 Aluminum Alloy using Filler Wire
    Antti Salminen, Lappeenranta University of T; Lappeenranta 85 Finland
    Stefan Grunenwald, Lappeenranta University of T; Lappeenranta 85 Finland
    Veli Kujanp Lappeenranta University of Technology; Lappeenranta Finland
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    High reflectivity and high thermal conductivity, high vapour pressure of alloying elements as well as low liquid surface tension and low ionisation potential, make laser welding of aluminium and its alloys a demanding task. Problems that occur during welding are mainly
    process instabilities of the keyhole and the melt pool, increased plasma formation above the...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1003 (Laser Brazing of High Strength Steels)

    Laser Brazing of High Strength Steels
    A. Wirth, BIAS; Germany
    C. Thomy, BIAS; Hambergen Germany
    H. Laukant, University of Bayreuth; Germany
    Frank Vollertsen, BIAS; Germany
    U. Glatzel, University of Bayreuth; Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    The development of high strength steels demands for joining methods for these new materials. As welding may be difficult for some of these new steels due to a detrimental effect of weld metal and HAZ on the mechanical properties of the joint, brazing of these steels could be a better solution. Therefore, in this paper, laser brazing of high-strength steels is regarded. Besides the brazeabil...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1004 (Laser Penetration Brazing of Brass and Low Carbon Steel)

    Laser Penetration Brazing of Brass and Low Carbon Steel
    Kai Chen, Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology,; Beijing Peoples Republic of China
    Rongshi Xiao, Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, ; Beijing Peoples Republic of China
    Youdong Pi, Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, ; Beijing Peoples Republic of China
    Peng Dong, Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology,; Beijing Peoples Republic of China
    Wuxiong Yang, Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, ; Beijing Peoples Republic of China
    Presented at ICALEO 2007


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1005 (A Comparison of the Weld Properties Between Laser Welding with and Without Filler Wire of Rolled Mg Sheet for Automobile)

    A Comparison of the Weld Properties Between Laser Welding with and Without Filler Wire of Rolled Mg Sheet for Automobile
    Mok-Young Lee, Rist; Pohang South Korea
    Sang-Woon Choi, Posco; Seoul South Korea
    Woong-Seong Chang, Rist; Pohang South Korea
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    In this study, the welding performance of magnesium alloy was investigated for automobile application. The material was rolled magnesium alloy sheet contains 3wt%Al, 1wt%Zn and Mg balance. The effects of filler wire addition was investigated on 2kW Nd:YAG laser welding. For the results, the mechanical properties of welded specimen were similar with base metal in laser welding with and without f...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #1006 (Laser Beam Aluminum-Steel Joints - Mechanical and Dynamical Properties and Detailed Microstructural Analysis of Intermetallic FeAl-Phases)

    Laser Beam Aluminum-Steel Joints – Mechanical and Dynamical Properties and Detailed Microstructural Analysis of Intermetallic FeAl-Phases
    Holger Laukant, Metals and Alloys, University of Bayreuth; Bayreuth Germany
    Elisa Guimaraens, Metals and Alloys, University of Bayreuth; Bayreuth Germany
    Uwe Glatzel, Metals and Alloys, University of Bayreuth; Bayreuth Germany
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Mixed-materials are important in the automotive industry due to their weight saving potential and good ratio between costs and mass production. Aluminium and steel are difficult to join thermally due to the formation of intermetallic phases and differences in thermal expansio...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #101 (Stress Distributions in Multilayer Laser Deposited Waspaloy Parts using Neutron Diffraction)

    Stress Distributions in Multilayer Laser Deposited Waspaloy Parts using Neutron Diffraction
    Andrew Pinkerton, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
    Richard Moat, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
    Darren Hughes, Institut Laue-Langevin; Grenoble Cedex 9 France
    Lin Li, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
    Philip Withers, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
    Michael Preuss, The University of Manchester; Manchester Great Britain
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    During layered manufacturing of functional metallic parts by laser direct metal deposition (LDMD) resi...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #102 (PROFIL Project: Direct Manufacturing of Aerospace Components by Laser Cladding and Laser Sintering)

    PROFIL Project: Direct Manufacturing of Aerospace Components by Laser Cladding and Laser Sintering
    Christophe Colin, ENSMP; Evry France
    Julie Maisonneuve, ENSMP; Paris France
    Pascal Aubry, CEA / GERAILP; Arcueil France
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    PROFIL. It is a french national project initiated by a large group of industrial partners in the aerospace field (SNECMA moteurs, Dassault Aviation, EADS, Eurocopter, MBDA), two research centers (ENSMP and GERAILP) and one SME (Phénix Systems). The goal of the project is really dual : manufacturing aerospace parts in TA6V or Inconel718, for civil of military applications, by laser cladding of laser sintering. Morevoer, ...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #103 (Liquation Mechanism Analysis on Laser Deposition on Directionally Solidified Superalloy Blade for Crack-free Rejuvenation)

    Liquation Mechanism Analysis on Laser Deposition on Directionally Solidified Superalloy Blade for Crack-free Rejuvenation
    Minlin Zhong, Tsinghua University; Beijing Peoples Republic of China
    Wenjin Liu, Tsinghua Univ.; Beijing Peoples Republic of China
    Xiaofeng Zhu, Tsinghua University; Beijing Peoples Republic of China
    Qian Hao, Tsinghua University; Beijing Peoples Republic of China
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Development of cost-effective repair and rejuvenation processes for Directionally Solidified (DS) Ni-based superalloy blades are of great economic and technological meanings. Laser deposition is a promising rejuvenation candidate for DS blades...


  • ICALEO 2007 Paper #104 (Laser Net Shape Manufacturing using an Adaptive Toolpath Deposition Method)

    Laser Net Shape Manufacturing using an Adaptive Toolpath Deposition Method
    Huan Qi, GE Global Research; Schenectady NY USA
    Magdi Azer, GE Global Research; Niskayuna NY USA
    Prabhjot Singh, GE Global Research; Niskayuna NY USA
    Presented at ICALEO 2007

    Laser net shape manufacturing (LNSM) is a laser cladding based technology which can prototype and repair three-dimensional components with complex geometries. Manufacturing macro-parts with small feature size usually requires a small laser beam and slow deposition rate, which sacrifices the manufacturing speed when one contemplates fabricating entire parts. Depositing materials adaptively according to the geometric...


