2011 ICALEO Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM
Congress General Chair: Kunihiko Washio, Paradigm Laser Research Limited, Tokyo, Japan
The 30th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2011) Congress Proceedings includes all submitted papers for three conferences on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing. This CD also includes papers from the Plenary Session highlighting Material Nanoscience, Photonics and Technologies for Revolutionary Innovation and the Closing Plenary which focused on Strategies, Limits and Challenges for Advanced Laser Processing.
Member Pricing: $30.00
ICALEO 2011 Paper #1001 (Drilling with Fiber Lasers)
Drilling with Fiber Lasers
Jens Dietrich, Lehrstuhl fuer Lasertechnik; 52074 Aachen Germany
Christoph Blaesius, Lehrstuhl fuer Lasertechnik; 52074 Aachen Germany
Stefan Brief, Lehrstuhl fuer Lasertechnik; 52074 Aachen Germany
Ingomar Kelbassa, Lehrstuhl fuer Lasertechnik; 52074 Aachen Germany
Presented at ICALEO 2011
For drilling holes such as cooling holes in turbine blades with diameters from 100 µm up to 1.5 mm flash lamp pumped laser sources e.g. slab lasers are commonly used. These laser sources have peak powers of several kW at pulse durations from microseconds up to milliseconds with a high beam quality. Due to the beam quality, small spot...$28.00
ICALEO 2011 Paper #1002 (Recoil Pressure and Surface Temperature in Laser Drilling)
Recoil Pressure and Surface Temperature in Laser Drilling
Matthieu Schneider, Arts et Métiers Paristech; Paris France
Jérémie Girardot, Arts et MéTiers Paristech; Paris France
Laurent Berthe, Arts et Métiers Paristech; -
Presented at ICALEO 2011
To drill sub-millimeters holes one of the way is laser drilling. Laser drilling is a well-established industrial process from decades; however several fundamental questions are still unsolved about the physical understanding of the laser matter interaction. A sequential description of the laser drilling process can be made as following. The irradiated surface is heated by absorption of laser energy. Once the surf...$28.00
ICALEO 2011 Paper #1003 (Parametric Study of a Laser-Based Hybrid Drill for Concrete)
Parametric Study of a Laser-Based Hybrid Drill for Concrete
Shigeki Muto, Sankyo Seisakusho Co.; Kikugawa Japan
Heizaburo Kato, Sankyo Seisakusho Co.; Kikugawa Japan
Kazuya Masuda, Sankyo Seisakusho Co.; Kikugawa Japan
Kazuyoku Tei, Tokai University; Hiratsuka Japan
Tomoo Fujioka, Institute for Applied Optics; Tokyo Japan
Presented at ICALEO 2011
Laser cutting and drilling for concrete are an attractive method for dismantling nuclear facilities and performing reconstruction generally of public buildings. The reduced amount of secondary waste is ideal for cutting irradiated biological shield walls in nuclear power plants, and the decre...$28.00
ICALEO 2011 Paper #101 (Laser Cutting From CO2 Laser to Disc And Fiber-Laser - Possiblities and Challenges)
Laser Cutting From CO2 Laser to Disc And Fiber-Laser - Possiblities and Challenges
Flemming O. Olsen, IPU; -
Presented at ICALEO 2011
Now, nearly a decade since the introduction of the high brilliance solid state lasers, an evolution of industrial high power laser materials processing is ongoing. In this paper will be focused on the largest market for high power lasers: metal laser cutting. The state-of-the-art of laser cutting with fibre- and disc-lasers will be compared to the benchmarking laser for metal cutting: The CO2-laser. The opportunities and challenges for the new laser sources in conquering this market will be discussed. Both classical cutting with gas assistance as well a...$28.00
ICALEO 2011 Paper #102 (The Energetic Efficiency of Remote Cutting in Comparison to Conventional Fusion Cutting)
The Energetic Efficiency of Remote Cutting in Comparison to Conventional Fusion Cutting
M. Luetke, Fraunhofer IWS; Dresden Germany
F. Bartels, Fraunhofer IWS; -
J. Hauptmann, Fraunhofer IWS; Dresden Germany
A. Wetzig, Fraunhofer IWS; Dresden Germany
E. Beyer, University of Technology Dresden, Fraunhofer IWS; Dresden Germany
Presented at ICALEO 2011
The remote cutting technique provides an enormous potential in terms of cutting speeds when working on thin sheets. Even in contour cutting speeds about 100 m/min are realizable [1]. Working without any cutting gas the material of the cutting kerf must be vaporized partially. It is evident...$28.00
ICALEO 2011 Paper #103 (Influence of Fiber Laser Cutting Parameters on the Subsequent Laser Welding of Ti6Al4V Sheets)
Influence of Fiber Laser Cutting Parameters on the Subsequent Laser Welding of Ti6Al4V Sheets
Leonardo Daniele Scintilla, Politecnico di Bari, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale (DIMeG); Bari Italy
Donato Sorgente, Politecnico di Bari, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale (DIMeG); Bari Italy
Gianfranco Palumbo, Politecnico di Bari, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale (DIMeG); Bari Italy
Luigi Tricarico, Politecnico di Bari, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale (DIMeG); Bari Italy
Marco Brandizzi, Consorzio CALEF; Trisaia, Rotondella Italy
Annunziata Anna Satriano, Consorzio CALEF; Tris...$28.00
ICALEO 2011 Paper #104 (Influence of Cut Front Temperature Profile on Cutting Process)
Influence of Cut Front Temperature Profile on Cutting Process
Volkher Onuseit, Institute fuer Strahlwerkzeuge, University of Stuttgart; Stuttgart Germany
Michael Jarwitz, Institute fuer Strahlwerkzeuge, University of Stuttgart; Stuttgart Germany
Rudolf Weber, Institute fuer Strahlwerkzeuge, University of Stuttgart; Stuttgart Germany
Thomas Graf, Institute fuer Strahlwerkzeuge, University of Stuttgart; Stuttgart Germany
Presented at ICALEO 2011
Laser cutting of metals is one of the most common applications in industrial manufacturing. Due to this, every improvement of process efficiency and the consequential increase of cutting velocity while maint...$28.00
ICALEO 2011 Paper #105 (Experimental Investigation on the Cut Front Geometry in the Inert Gas Laser Fusion Cutting with Disk and CO2 Lasers)
Experimental Investigation on the Cut Front Geometry in the Inert Gas Laser Fusion Cutting with Disk and CO2 Lasers
Leonardo Scintilla, Politecnico Di Bari, Department of Mechanical and Mangement Engineering (DIMeG); Bari Italy
Luigi Tricarico, Politecnico Di Bari, Department of Mechanical and Mangement Engineering (DIMeG); Bari Italy
Achim Mahrle, University of Technology Dresden, Institute for Surface and Production Technology, IOF Dresden; Dresden Germany
Andreas Wetzig, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology, IWS Dresden; Dresden Germany
Eckhard Beyer, University of Technology Dresden, Institute for Surface and Production Technology,...$28.00
ICALEO 2011 Paper #106 (Study on Striation Generation Process During Laser Cutting of Steel)
Study on Striation Generation Process During Laser Cutting of Steel
Koji Hirano, PIMM Laboratory, Nippon Steel Corporation; Futtsu-City Chiba Japan
Remy Fabbro, Nippon Steal Corporation; Paris France
Presented at ICALEO 2011
We have investigated striation generation process during laser cutting of steel with inert gas. Our experimental analysis of hydrodynamics of melt layer on kerf front has brought new insights into the mechanisms of this process, which have been left unknown for a long time in spite of the significance for industrial applications. The results have shown that the melt flow can split into two flows that can be independent, one being located along the cent...$28.00