• ICALEO 2006 Paper #P544 (Laser Cutting of Natural Stone Slabs)

    Laser Cutting of Natural Stone Slabs
    Antonio Riveiro, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Mohamed Boutinguiza, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Ramón Soto, Univerisdade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Félix Quintero, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Fernando Lusquiños, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Juan Pou, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Mariano Pérez-Amor, Universidade de Vigo; Vigo Spain
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    Granite is a crystalline natural stone, which is considered to be one of the best materials in all type of constructions, due to its durability, easy maintenance and aesthetic. There are different var...


  • ICALEO 2006 Paper #P549 (The Influence of the Cooling Rate on Structure of Laser Boronizing Layer on Nodular Iron)

    The Influence of the Cooling Rate on Structure of Laser Boronizing Layer on Nodular Iron
    Marta Paczkowska, Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Working Machines and Motor Vehicle; Poznan Poland
    Wlodzimierz Waligora, Poznan University of Technology; Poznan Poland
    Presented at ICALEO 2006

    This article refers to laser alloying surface modifications. In presented research nodular iron laser boronizing effects were studied. The cooling rate effect on melted zone was particularly investigated. Different cooling rates were achieved by using appropriate combination of laser treatment parameters: laser beam interaction time and laser beam power. 5 laser beam velocities wit...


