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Product Code: ICAL07_308

Micro Welding for Environmental-friendly Products
Florian Wagner, BIAS; Bremen Germany
Frank Vollertsen, BIAS - Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH; Bremen Germany
Claus Thomy, BIAS; Bremen Germany
Presented at ICALEO 2007

Laser welding can be scaled down even to very small dimensions, where other welding techniques are not applicabel. A high processing speed, high precision, good process control and low penetration depth with deep penetration welding even at thicknesses of some 100 micron are the benefits of micro laser welding. Process developments, using pulsed and cw laser, are shown. Welding of similar and dissimilar materials like aluminium, steel and copper is shown. Application examples for the processes for different products are given. The environmental background is due to the substitution of processes showing a higher pollution or due to the products itself.

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