Product Code: ICAL07_M1304

Laser Micromachining of Surface Pores on Ti for Biomedical Application
HC Man, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Kowloon Hong Kong
Q Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; kowloon Hong Kong
X Guo, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Kowloon Hong Kong
Presented at ICALEO 2007

The surface condition of a dental implant affects the performance of tissue integration and its stability. In order to enhance these issues, laser texturing the surface of Titanium dental implants have been investigated by many researchers. Most of these studies involved texturing of dimples or drilling of surface blind pores at regular interval. This paper reports a new method to produce specific shaped holes such that the holes are interconnected at subsurface level. The subsurface porous network would be able to enhance the integration of tissue and improve the stability of the dental implants. Adhesion pulling test was carried out to confirm the theoretical predication.

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