Product Code: ICA12_P124

Laser Cladding with Coaxial Wire Feeding
Pajukoski Henri, Tampere Univ. of Technology, Department of Materials Science; Tampere Finland
Näkki Jonne, Tampere Univ. of Technology, Department of Materials Science; Tampere Finland
Thieme Sebastian, Fraunhofer IWS, Material and Beam Technology; Dresden Germany
Tuominen Jari, Tampere Univ. of Technology, Department of Materials Science; Tampere Finland
Nowotny Steffen, Fraunhofer IWS, Material and Beam Technology; Dresden Germany
Vuoristo Petri, Tampere Univ. of Technology , Department of Materials Science; Tampere Finland
Presented at ICALEO 2012

In the last years coaxial laser heads have been developed with centric wire feeding equipment which enables the laser processing of complex shaped objects in different applications. These newly developed laser heads are being used in laser brazing experiments in the automotive industry. This paper presents experimental results of using a coaxial laser head for wire cladding application. The coaxial wire cladding method has significant improvements compared to the off-axis wire cladding method, such as independence of the travel direction, alignment of the wire to the laser beam and a reduced number of controlling parameters. These features are important to achieve high quality coatings. Experimental cladding tests were done with a coaxial laser wire welding head at Fraunhofer IWS. High quality corrosion resistant coatings with low dilution were produced using Inconel 625 solid wire.

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