Product Code: ICAL08_904

Advancements in Laser Alloying of Aluminum
Thomas Seefeld, Bias Bremer Institut F Angewandte Strahltechnik Gmbh; Bremen Germany
Knut Partes, Bias Bremer Institut F Angewandte Strahltechnik Gmbh; Bremen Germany
Presented at ICALEO 2008

Since aluminum alloys have very limited resistance to wear, the application of protective surface layers is mandatory to ensure both function and lifetime of aluminum components in many technical applications. Only a small number of effective surface engineering methods are available. Laser alloying using the blown powder method may be a potential candidate for many applications. This paper highlights two different approaches to overcome some of todays shortcomings of laser alloying. On the one hand, a novel high speed laser alloying process is introduced that is optimizied for high performance when comparatively thin layers have to be applied on large surface areas in a very short time in order to be cost efficient. This approach is particularly suitable e.g. for inner surface alloying of automotive combustion engine cylinders. It is demonstrated, how these components can be alloyed effectively and efficiently with comparatively low laser power. On the other hand, it is demonstrated how a deep penetration laser process using high brightness lasers and scanner optics can be utilized to enhance the process efficiency significantly while increasing the achievable case depth up to several millimeters. In this study, the influence of process parameters including spacial beam modulation on the track geometry and homogeneity is discussed.

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