Product Code: ICAL05_M210

Direct Micro Laser Cladding with Microscale Nanophased Powders
Peter Stippler, Laser Zentrum Hannover; 30419 Hannover Germany
Andreas Ostendorf, Laser Zentrum Hannover; 30419 Germany
Oliver Meier, Laser Zentrum Hannover; 30419 Hannover Germany
Stefan Czerner, microLS; Hannover Germany
Presented at ICALEO 2005

A manufacturing method is shown based on the most advanced small scale laser cladding technology able to shape solid metallic objects being composed of nanophased powders. New development in powder feeding will be illustrated being able to feed micro particles using combination of brush feeder and ultrasonic vibration. For gradient components possibility with material change on the Figureht is considerd. Several periphere devices for process chamber, shape control of processed geometries and integrated observation microscope. Fully atomisation is assured by special designed software and industrial standards of PXI technology. Agglomerated nanophased systems were developed to respond to the needs of microfabrication in terms of phase sets, particle sizes and shapes. The focusing of the particles is realized by a coaxial nozzle. Experimental investigations confirm the high potential of this method through wich cladded layers smaller than 15 �m can be generated.

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