Hardcopy Version
This set includes the ANSI Z136.1 Safe Use of Lasers and the ANSI Z136.8 Safe Use of Lasers in Research, Development, or Testing.
The ANSI Z136.1 is a parent document and cornerstone of the Z136 series of laser safety standards, the Z136.1 is the foundation of laser safety programs for industrial, military, medical, and educational applications nationwide.
View a sample of ANSI Z136.1, which includes the Table of Contents.
Click here to purchase this standard individually.
The ANSI Z136.8 includes policies and procedures to ensure laser safety in any area where research, development or testing is performed, including Universities, product development labs, private and government research labs (e.g., National Laboratories) and product testing settings.
View a sample of ANSI Z136.8, which includes the Table of Contents.
Click here to purchase this standard individually.
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