Product Code: JLA_24_3_032003

Joonas Pekkarinen
Veli Kujanpa¨a¨
Antti Salminen
Laboratory of Laser Processing, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Tuotantokatu 2, 53850 Lappeenranta, Finland

Laser cladding with fiber laser using scanning optics is a relatively new way of laser cladding. Modern oscillating scanners enable laser power adjustment according to scanning direction. This is a versatile tool for making process more stable as well as modifying the shape of clad bead. Laser cladding was made using 5 kW IPG fiber laser with ILV-oscillating scanner, using 316L powder as clad material and S355 mild steel plate as substrate material. These tests showed that power adjustment is necessary for cladding process stability when sinusoidal scanning is used. Power adjustment can be used also for adjusting the geometry of clad bead and for constructing simple geometries. The oscillating scanner enables flexibility for controlling the geometry of clad bead and process stability compared to the conventional laser cladding with static optics.

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